David called to confirm that Marilyn made it to Kaena and was able to ID Kerby as the seal with the hook at Kaena. But unfortunately before they could get the de-hooking team out there, Kerby headed back out into the water.
The NOAA team is on-call and ready to respond with gear in hand as soon as they get the word. If you are able to make it out to Kaena and spot Kerby please call David immediately at 721-5343.
Mahalo, Jen Maldonado
Oh my! Kerby is almost one year old.He has made it all the way to Kaena Pt. He has survived all these months alone. That is a frightening scene,that large hook. It looks rusty! Maybe it could rot off, if The Team doesnt find him to remove. Kerby is Ewa Girls pup, she taught him well.Kerby, you will make it through this hooking, you will, cause Mama taught you, how to survive.THing is munchkin, ya didnt listen about the "STAY AWAY FROM HOOKS"!! Hopefully, NOAA gets it out, and if not, it will rot out!! My prayers are with this sweet creature, for the NOAA RESCUE TEAM and for our LOYAL VOLUNTEERS working hard for the LIFE of a HAWAIIAN MONK SEAL..KERBY!!! COME ON GUYS WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER, WE CAN!!!!! Marylin, you are awesome, your photos...EXCELLENT!! I can imagine how ya felt when that Munchkin went back in the water..but, we must keep the faith and get to Kerby again. Good luck everyone,we can do this.
I just thought of something else, Ewa Girl had been hooked herself couple of times, she got through it. So, Kerby can too. YES HE CAN GET THOUGH THIS HOOKING!!!!
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