My first look at Rabbit Island had been a bust, but when I got back to Makai Pier at 0900, I found what would prove to be Mojo at the left end of the beach. On a pan of the beach I found Kolohe up in the vegetation, 60 ft right of the 3rd Blue Sign (3BS) at the right end of the beach. He had lots of company. The Sooty Terns and Brown Noddys began landing on 3-2-09, but today was the mass arrival date. The Sooty Terns were not happy with the short , fat kid flopped in the nesting area. They were letting him know it, but he just lolled there happily, until he decided to move down to cool off, at 1110.
Mojo got in the water at the left end, and later hauled out to join Kolohe. He did some nuisance nuzzling, but quieted down relatively quickly.
At 1139, Buster hauled out to the right of the 1st Blue Sign (1BS) at the left end of the beach, and remained there the rest of the day.
Things got more interesting at 1154, when RIP arrived back at Rabbit Island after his morning feed at Spitting Cave. He hauled out to join Mojo and Kolohe at 3BS. He and Mojo went several rounds of bickering and battling, trying to gain prime access to Kolohe. Despite shooting tons of shots of the battles, I got absolutely no action shots at all... bummer ! Ultimately , RIP gained the closest access, but as quite often happens, having won the battle, he lost interest, and returned to the water at 1314, only to haul out a few minutes later to harrass Buster for a while. After some nuisance nuzzling, RIP settled down and the entire Rabbit Island cast was in snooze mode when I departed the pier.
Team Billand reported 2AW at Tracks (Kahe Power Plant, and Kermit & Irma at White Plains, though today, Irma was at the east end, and Kermit at the west end. Aloha, DB
RIP & Buster

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