The Rabbit Island cast was RIP, Buster and R301, along with 12 different bad guys, with no DOCARE reponse. At one point there were 7 humans on the island at one time. From 1213 until 1507 there was constant human presence on the island.
My wife reported at animal at Spitting Cave at 0950. When I arrived at 1010 we found that it as a smallish animal with 2 red tags, doing 8 minute dives. There was no ID possible, but my money would be on one of the girlz (RB08 or Sadie). An U/U call is required.
The Billand reported M&M at the Feed Lot, Campbell Industrial Park at 1118. Aloha, DB
Buster, RIP, & R301

Buster & RIP - A guy who is NOT suppose to be on RI

Buster & RIP

RIP & R301

R301 & 2 guys who are NOT suppose to be there.

I don't understand humans!Signs SAY,NO LANDING!!!Do they not care??Aren't they worried someone will see they are breaking the law?It's because, they think, no one is going to do anything,since it's out of public's eyes. Who is going to find them way out there? DB, braddahs!!! Now that you have them in full view, is this proof DNLR will do something???? YOU AUTHORITIES!!!!! Don't you inforce this law of NOT LANDING ANY MORE??? I feel fear for the seals out there!!! Have they no place to hide and relax from Humans??? Come on you guys, DO SOMETHING NOW,BEFORE SOMETHING DREDFUL HAPPENS!!! We got to teach the seals to fly seal poop at these guys..I can imagine the STRESS you are going through, Seal Whisperer. It ain't right!!!
Oh yeah....it is spring break and the idiots are out in full force!!
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