RIP, Buster, and Kolohe, plus a player to be named later were at Rabbit Island on my first look at 0700.
I found R301 doing 9 minute dives at Spitting Cave.
Colleen Heyer called at 0823 to report Irma below the 2nd Lookout , at Diamond Head.
I got a call at 1253 reporting that Rosie (RO30) was once again somewhere in the innard of the Pearl Harbor Ship Yard.
Team Billand reported 2AW at Kalaeloa Campgrounds at 1540.
Each of those deserves more info, but today is about one critter , and one critter only.
On my first quick look at Rabbit Island at 0700, I saw a tight grouping of three animals, 40 ft left of IBS. There were 2 large and 1 small animal. Since I knew R301 was at Spitting Cave, I guessed that these were probably RIP, Buster, and RB08. Wrong !!!!!!!!!! When I got back to Makai Pier at 0940 , with much improved lighting, I was absolutely floored by the fact that it was not RB08 at all. By 1010 I had confirmed that the little critter was , in fact, Kerby (RW08). I called Tracy at 1011, and the mob began to amass.
The Kerby drama began on 3-26-09, when I found a shot on the FLICKR site, taken on Friday 3-25-09. I recognized the fish hooked animal in the shot as a probable Kerby. My wife went out to Ka'ena Point on Saturday 3-27-09, and confirmed that it was in fact Kerby. He departed KP before the NOAA crew could arrive. The next day , 3-28-09, Team Billand found him in the company of another animal , R018 at Maili Point, but the terrain did not allow intervention.
Prospects for finding the little guy looked pretty "iffy" with no reports on the 29th, Finding this little guy looked like the oft talked about needle in a haystack thing.
I was absolutely dumbstuck when I realized that my little critter at Rabbit Island had an obvious fish hook and leader hanging from the left side of his mouth, and a male belly. The chances of Kerby returning to Rabbit Island, the place of his birth, for the first time since his departure on or about 8-27-08, as a 5 month old kid seemed pretty remote, Nevertheless, there was my 11 month old son right there before my eyes.
The NOAA crew of Dr. Bob, Tracy,Brenda,Shawn, Chad and Jesse departed Makai Pier at 1240 and removed the fish hook at 1313. There are good days, and bad days, but this one one of those really, REALLY GOOD days !!!!! Thank You ...............Very Much !!!!!! To all who participated... Ya' Done Good !!!!!! Aloha, DB
NOAA team all aboard.

NOAA team ready

The removal of the fish hook

Dr. Bob
Just want to add I have had the great pleasure to be around Dr. Bob when he's doing his magic. We are very fortunate to have him caring for these animals... He is a great doctor and a great teacher. THANKS DR. BOB.!