Saturday, June 25, 2011

6-24-11 Brenda (yoda) Becker treks Ka'ena Point

Aloha good people.... Looks like Brenda (yoda) Becker went out to Ka'ena point to check out the gang. Brenda has spent many many seasons up at the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.... and for DB our seal whisperer to refer to as Yoda I know she is taking good care of our Ka'ena point gang.  As Dr. Charles mentioned in his message they will continue to monitor and make a decision to act if there are any changes that are impacting 761s health.  Now the question is where the heck is CeeCee?

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Wow Yoda, those are fantastic shots of three seals Kaena Pt. Just superb!! Wish I was out there...hadnt been Kaena pt for so long. Seals all look very healthy..even with hook in mouth..poor baby. Looks as tho the hook is stretching out or something. Hopefully, some how it would dislodge it's self, wouldnt that be awesome, like Kerby did. Let us pray, flippers clasped ...........AMEN!!