Sunday, April 26, 2009

DB Post Sunday 4/26/2009

The day was equal parts Rabbit Island observations , and Kermit Quest. Kolohe would be the one and only resident of Rabbit Island today. I did multiple checks either walking the beaches , or using the scope, from Blow Hole to Bellows, and found nobody. On this sunny Sunday, every millimeter of beach, was completely covered in significant amounts of tonnage of "leggers" . There wasn't any place for a self respecting Monk Seal to haul out. Hopefully, tomorrow at least some of them will be back to work, so there might be some available space. Aloha, DB

1 comment:

Laura said...

Keeeeermit, oh Keeeermit, please haul up today. Thinking positive thoughts for Kermit and hoping today's the day.