Saturday, March 28, 2009

DB Post Saturday 3/28/2009

The morning began with a lot of running around stressing on Irma's whereabouts. Colleen reported Diamond Head Irma free. I never found her in the SE quadrant. Only Irma knows what's next.

On my first Spitting Cave check I found nobody , but shortly after my departure I got a call from posse member Susan saying that 2 animals had done a "drive by", moving further into Maunalua Bay. I returned to Spitting Cave, and spent another hour there, and walked the rocks, but never found anyone. A subsequent photo from Stephanie Batzer confirmed that 2 animals had in fact been there. Witnesses said it was "a small animal and a large animal, but the big one wasn't all that large " . Based on the rest of my day I'd say Kolohe and Buster would rate high on the list of suspects, but of course, that is only personal opinion .

When I got to Makai Pier at 1100,for the day's observations I found RB08 just hauling out, and on a pan a few minutes later became aware that R301 and and U/U were on the left end rock flats. R301 would ultimately join RB08, and the U/U remained just that until the end. The animal was only partially visible so it's probably one of the regulars, I just couldn't tell which one.

The day got interesting at 1330 when the Billands called to report Kerby and R018 at Maili Point. NOAA personnel were notified but a decision not to attempt the hook removal was quickly based on the fact that the animals were on impossibly rocky terrain.

Tracy advised that Rosie (RO30) spent today somewhere in the innards of Pearl Harbor. The girl has a definite talent for finding interesting haul out sites.

Email from Joanna Tabor advised that she'd found Ka'ena, Benny and a player to be named later at Ka'ena Point. Aloha, DB
2 Unidentified Animals
RO18 & Kerby
R301 & RB08

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