Friday, July 28, 2017

7/28/2017 Monk Seal Dailies: Breaking News - Rocky and Kaimana Reunited After 2 Hour Seperation

There was much excitement, concern and call to action today at Kaimana Beach. Appear Rocky and Kaimana were separated after a swim.  Although they were apart for a couple of hours, Kaimana was found in the Natatorium swimming her little tooshie off.  How the little bugger got in there, well I guess they'll be checking that out in the daylight.

Momma Rocky was calling out for her kid which got folks to notice the pup was missing!  You done good Rocky!   Here is the link to the news story on KHON news.  And BIG MAHALO to the NOAA team and volunteers out there taking care of the situation!!

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