At 0721 , from Makai Pier, I found Sadie snoozin' 30 ft left of 1BS, and Buster along with Duke, up in the grass behind Seal Rock Inlet, at the right end of the beach, on Rabbit Island. When I got back to Makai Pier at 0900, Buster had moved down to cool off. Duke would follow at 1013, and both would remain there the rest of the day. The was no interaction.
Kolohe hauled out to join Sadie at 0908. He galumphed up to join her near the cliff, and both would snooze until 1034, when both began to stir, and Sadie initiated minor interaction. Both moved down together with Kolohe in the lead, and both remained near the water line for the remainder of the day with no further interaction.
Unfortunately, Team Billand provided the drama for the day. They reported RI37 at Guard Rail Beach , Maili. They reported and documented a severe , large, open, laceration wound on her posterior dorsal running to the right side, dorsal , posterior , just above her ankles. It appeared fresh, and though the cause is unknown, propellor wound would be high on my list of suspected causes. Of course, NOAA was called, but I have no further info at this writing. These animals can, and do, handle these types of wounds on their own. 2AW is proof of that.
RI37 with wound on rear flipper
Hoping someone can help to monitor RI37 and her wound while Robert and Barbara are taking a few days off.
If anyone does this monitoring, you got to be on your toes, and you got to be alert with the HOMELESS out there all day long. They fish, all day long, walk on the reef, pass I37 all day long. Most are very respectful, others ya have to be sencitive to their own situation. Its tough out there. Just remain calm, be polite, NOT LOUD MOUTHED, NOT FORCEFUL..Trust me on this. Be compassionate. Just a bit of advice. It is a really sad situation to see this poor beautiful, 6 year old pregnant, fat, little female, laying out there, trying to sleep on shore with that awful injury. She is also near the Highway, so its noisy for her, gets spooked now and then with all the horns, sirens blaring from fire trucks. And then ya have to deal with dogs too. Just remain in control of yourselves..it will be fine. Or maybe I37 will go to another location, we'll see. Appreciate your concern Val.
I know the injury looks bad, but these guys have an amazing ability to heal. All the seals with all the big scars are evidence of that.
We want to keep on eye on her to make sure she is acting normally and to see how she is healing. If anyone is avaiable to check for her over the next few days that would be great. I'll be going out again on Friday.
Will head out on Wednesday afternoon and again early Thursday AM to monitor.
thanks...I know that RI37 will be fine and she will heal nicely.
Just know Barbara and Robert would be able to enjoy their R&R a little better knowing she's is being looked after.
Big hugs to all that are helping.
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