Buster was just hauling out to 1BS on Rabbit Island when I arrived at Makai Pier for my first look of the morning, at 0653. When I got back to the pier at 0844 Buster had moved down near the water line at 1BS. At 1042 RIP hauled out to join him, however he stayed only a few minutes, reentering the water and hauling out again at 1120 at the left end of the beach, and then galumphed up and into the Morning Glory, 30 ft left of 1BS.
At 1154 I became aware of two swimming heads, playing in the rough shore break, and at 1230 they hauled out to join Buster. It would prove to be Kolohe and Sadie. At 1239 with Sadie in the lead, all three entered the water, and moments later RIP galumphed down and into the water to join the gang. I lost them immediately in the rough water conditions.
At 1242 Sadie hauled out to 1BS, and right behind her came Kolohe. Just a few seconds later came Buster to join the line behind Sadie, and then RIP. Regardless of age, all the boys had but one thing in mind, and that was to get prime position along side Sadie. When RIP came abreast of Buster, a quick "stink eye" froze Buster in his tracks, and he stopped the pursuit right there. Kolohe being young and dumb, just wouldn't take the hint. When RIP got to him and tried to intimidate him, Kolohe wasn't impressed and kept on going. Ultimately, RIP got prime position but Kolohe was right there with them, and no matter how threatening RIP tried to look, it didn't work. Kolohe remained close by. RIP did a lot of climbing on and nuisance nuzzling with Sadie, but at 1327 RIP tired of the game and galumphed down near the water line. You'd have thought that once RIP was out of the way, Kolohe would have moved right in, but nope.......... he immediately began following RIP ! They remained together for the rest of the day. Even when Sadie later moved down to cool off, 25 ft away from them , the boys showed no interest at all.
Team Billand reported Kermit amongst the beach dweller hordes at Maili Point at 0649, and later at 1010 found 2AW at Maili.
Sadie, Kolohe, RIP and Buster
RIP and Buster
Kolohe and RIP
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