The morning people were good and respectful to the seals around Nimitz Jetty. There was good old Kermit R012, foraging like crazy, showing all those who came to view him. He was thrashing his tail up in the air, growling, gobbling his prey. It was super cool. But Kermit done this behavior for over 2and 1/2 hours and he never hauled up till much later in the afternoon.
And the afternoon beach goers were hypered, yelling at Kermit, tossing rocks and sand. He left his spot and went to the Jetty again, But, he came back a second time to hual up on the very same spot.

R018 also showed up, tried hauling in many times, but the people kept bugging him too. He later hauled up at the cottages at Nimitz. I had to talk to those kids again to please, no yelling and to give the seal a chance to haul up...he is so tired already. He needs to rest and FINALLY the kids got it as we all watched this great seal come a shore. Yippeee!!
And Benny was out at Nimitz too, but all shots were horrible...sorry.
Hope ya can get this to your blog. It was too long a day, but worth all that trouble to see at least two seals haul in. Some times, it is so hard to get people to respect seals and I get so tired and frustrated.
Seal ya, B
nice shots of Kermit
Thanks....Kermit is an amazing fat seal and a real joy to watch every day. When he forages, it is so exciting, everyone watches in awe.
Nice to see Kaena at Kaena Pt....he rules out there, its his home. Hey if you go Kaena Pt, watch out for an entangled whale. It was reported today off Kaena Pt. Keep your eyes opened!!! Its a calf.
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