Hanauma Bay posse member Betty, called at 0828 wth the report that one of the morning swim regulars had reported having seen "N18" (Duke) eating a puffer fish on the right side of the bay. (no photos)
Team Billand called at 1058 to report Kermit at Nimitz Beach.
At 1408, posse member Rachel (Colleen's VP of DH Operations) called to advise that she and Colleen had found Rocky on the beach at the Black Point end of Diamond Head. (no photos.......camera battery )
My friend and I visited Diamond Head on Feb 11th (I'm from England) and spotted Irma. I took a few pix and put a couple up at: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=176926375&blogId=529291732
Thank you so much for sharing your GREAT photos of Irma. I hope you realize how special it is to see a monk seal since there are only 1100 left in existence.... They are extremely endangered.
I am also happy you had a nice vacation in hawaii.
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