At 0719 Sadie hauled out at 1BS and moved up behind the Morning Glory where she remained all day.
As I exited my car to unlock the pier gate at 0733 for my departure, I chanced to look to my left and to my total shock and awe, there was a small seal in the shallows not 25 ft away. I managed to get a horrible shot at it moved away from me which only proves that it was either the Loch Ness Monster, or the head of a small Monk Seal moving away from me. On my 2nd glimpse of the animal I got a good look at the right side and also saw 2 red tags, Keep in mind this is all happening in pouring rain. Of course the office is never going to except anything but an U/U indentification, but since it was a Mikala or Duke sized animal, and since I did not see any right side bleaches, Duke is ruled out. My dollar is on Mikala. To add to my arguement, I lost the animal at 0754, and at 0928 Mikala hauled out at Rabbit Island.
My much better half was doing the Spitting Cave check while all that was going on and found nobody, but lots of whale counters, who at that time had only seen 1 whale.
At 0845 RIP hauled out 80 ft left of 1BS and he too remained there the rest of the day.
As previously stated Mikala hauled out at 0928 and moved up to join Buster in the Morning Glory right of 3BS. In the afternoon both would move down, and showed off there new bleaches.
At 1414 Duke hauled out the the right end of the Middle Cliff area, 100 ft or so left of 3BS. He would remain there the rest of the day.
Team Billand were wearing their Whale Count hats today, so I didn't hear from them until 1455 when they reported RI37 at Electric Beach (Kahe Power Plant), then reported Benny at Kermit's Reef, on the west side of the Nimitz Beach jetty at 1528.
Buster and Mikala
Weaner swimming at Makai Pier
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