My day began with Ewa Girl , still on her left side flats at Hanauma Bay (day #3) . The 3 day , two night package is routine for her after a long absence.
Distressingly, at around 0700 I got a call from Team Billand reporting that they were amongst the INSANE Hordes who thought going to Ala Moana at 0500 was a GOOD thing to do (I'm still trying to process that), and that they had not done the SW quadrant check.
Finding no one at Rabbit Island I decided to do a SW quadrant check. At 0825 I found Kermit, Benny and Irma, all at White Plains. Benny was actively pursuing Irma in front of the lifeguard stand, and Irma was not taking any guff from this pipsqueak , punk, and was giving as good as she got. Benny being the horny , young male that he is, was trying to get her to the water, but alas, Irma wasn't goin' for dat ! Ultimately , things quieted down, and good ol' Kermit just continued to snooze, 20 ft away. I readjusted the cordon, and continued on.
Since the Billands had reported a molting 2AW at "Tracks" (Kahe Power Plant), I went there next, and sure enough, approximate 1/4 mile or so west of the Tracks parking area, therrrrrre was R2AW, rotting away, approximtely 70 % molted. He has chosen a great, out of the way spot (sure as hell better than the middle of WP ! ) to do his molt.
After a Wendy's recon with the Billands, I returned to civilization and checked a still empty Rabbit Island, and did a Spitting Cave check, and finding nothing, called it a day.
Team Billand called at 1545 to report that they had recieved a Hotline call about an animal at Barber's Point (Campbell Industrial Park). Knowing that Ewa Girl was safe and sound at HB, I put my dollar on Rocky, since I'd seen her there before. Sure enough, Barbara called at 1622 to confirm that it was , in fact, Rocky ! Aloha, DB
1 comment:
I must thank Mr. Dunlap for doing the SWQ yesterday and fortunately he got there to take photos, put up all the poles and ropes. Plus he got to see a National Geographic scene with Benny the persistent horny male, the gentlemen Kermit, (Irma's original honey) and poor innocent ROYAL, Irma dodging Benny's hard core advances! Plus finding the rotting molting R2AW at a nice spot. That ladies and gentlemen is dedication and love for all seals from this Seal Whisperer!! Then he goes back to the East side and covers those areas too. Wow!! Hail to Mr. Dunlap all his work and love for the Great Hawaiian Monk Seals around Oahu!! You da bestest ever!!! We so appreciate and respect your dedication. Ya done good!!!!
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