Tuesday, May 29, 2018

5/29/2018 Monk Seal Dailies: (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Point Update

A big seal day !
Checked the playpens before heading out to the point
RN58 "Luana" & PO4 "Puna"  D31 were doing a shallow water swim session
RL42 "Leia" & PO5 D25 were swimming in and out of the little cove.

Out at the point RO40 "Ka'ena" was on the Runway
RR70 "RIP" did a swim by on back beach and I just had enough time to see his N1 bleach before he dove down.

Walking back I saw  a seal in the little pool beside the Runway, when he hauled out on the reefs I noticed it couldn't be RO40 "Ka'ena" because he wasn't that long.
To my surprise it was RE74 "Benny" - he hadn't been out there for a very longtime. From where I was standing I saw a seal haul out into Ka'ena's Pool and swim to the very back. My coins were on RW02 "PVKauai" and sure enough I first saw his scars then his tags.

Back at the playpens seals were on their respective beaches nursing.

 Benny RE74
 RL42 Leia and PO5 Day 25 
 Luana and Puna Day 31
 Ka'ena RO40
 RW02 PvKauai

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