Wednesday, June 25, 2008

P02 Goes for a Long Swim with Mom

Aloha Good People!
Although the afternoon shift was fairly quiet towards the end of the evening Mom insisted the kid get in the water. First attempt she went in and called after him... his response was to move further up the beach, alittle busy playing with sticks and leaves. Mom second attempt was to return to shore, the kid approached and wanted to nurse, she rolled and then she headed for the water and he followed.
When I left the site they were still in the water. I had a few moments of panic in that I could not find them for a good 10-15 minutes. I walked the beach thinking they may have hauled out further down.... but lo and behold they were still in the water, however they were just at the point where the beach park is.... (PLEASE let them return to their spot this evening.)
I look forward to hearing from the weekend updates, I have a feeling Mom is getting ready for her departure. ~donna~

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