Sunday, June 8, 2008

Be Aware, But Don't Panic

Aloha Good People!

I wanted to bring attention to some information that "we" need to be aware of, but by all means don't panic this isn't an alert. "A couple of spear fishermen came in bearing news that a 8-10 foot tiger shark took their fish hanging from a float they were towing 30 or so feet behind them just beyond the reef" was reported by volunteer Karen minding 5AY and P02. This information was logged into the notebook at the site.

I spoke with David from NOAA this morning to raise the question "what do we do? and who do we call?" As most of you know there are sharks in the waters and this siting doesn't mean they are hunting or attracted to the monk seals.... in fact chances are the fish from the spear fisher is more likely to have brought them in.... However, we need to stay alert and Please call in any sitings or information relating to a siting to David. He will work with the authorities to let them know.
Some things we know:

  • There are 40 known shark species around the Hawaiian Islands
  • Seals and sharks occupy the same areas and have for a long time
  • Monk Seals swim inter-island in deep channels with very large sharks and manage to make thier way without any signs of attack
  • We have one known monk seal that encountered a shark (see profile below)
If you would like additional information I found the following site helpful....

Click on the image below to read T15M 'Sharkbite" profile information. Please note these wounds are old and he has been around for some time now.

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