I did 3 thorough checks of Kaupo Beach Park , looking for Makana, to no avail, and I met posse member Stacy there , who had also done a check, and was batting zero.

On a pan at 1207 I found Duke just hauling out to Right Middle Cliff and RI. He would remain there the rest of the day.
Team Billand called at 0936 to report Pohaku (RO28) , once again at Maili Point. At 1014 they found Kermit, fronting #1706 at White Plains. At 1202 they called to say that Benny was just hauling out, fronting #1708 at WP. Once again came a Billand call at 1343 with the report of Ewa Girl just hauling out fronting #1760 at WP.

Marilyn did the Ka'ena Point trek today, and found M&M and Kerby at the end of the world. She also encountered the 20 car circus that was Barack and gang heading to Mokuleia for a barbeque.
I got a call from a posse member at 1510, and another call at about the same time from Eric Tong, both of which were about an animal at Malaekahana, with lots of teenagers crowded around it. Before any response could be mounted , my posse member called back at 1530 to advise that the animal had been run off. Eric's contact is said to be forwarding photos so maybe we'll luck out and get an ID.
Dera called at 0937 with the report of an animal at Kaimana Beach, in Waikiki. Posse member Stacy happened to be with me when the call came in, and good soul that she is, volunteered to make the run to Waikiki. She would confirm the Rocky ID at 1056. Colleen would likewise confirm the Rocky ID at 1210.
Speaking of photos, I have a thing to go to this evening so I have to get the dailies out early. Please check da' blog in the morning for Billand photos. (sorry for the late update everyone, I had internet issues last evening right in the middle of updating).
Val called from Molokai to report 4 animals found on their trek, and she asked if I had info an RA20, which they had found on the trek. When I got back to my computer I looked it up and lo and behold RA20 is the daughter of R5AY, born on Kauai (Larsen's Beach) on 6-7-09. This is the first reported sighting of the little girl, and it's on Molokai !! Val....Ya' Done Good..................again !!!
RA20 - R5AY's daughter from 2009