Saturday, February 29, 2020

02/29/2020 Saturday Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand, Lesley and Marilyn.  Lesley's Ka'ena update is part two of the dailies.

Team Billand  was at the outfall at 6:30 am. Upon arrival one of the fishermen pointed out a seal in the outfall. Team Billand was able to get a couple of pictures as it passed. Initially they thought it was Ka'ale but once they checked the photos they saw it was his bosom buddy RN14 Kalani.

At 7 am they arrived at a near by beach and spotted a seal hauling up on the rocks and the waves were crashing over. They were able to ID RG28 Lefty and he was alone. They left to pick up junior sealette Olivia.

Team Billand returned to the outfall just before 9 am for a second visit. They spotted a seal foraging and taking fish from the fishermen. They spotted his tag and this time it was in fact Ka'ale RH32. The guys on the pier were cracking up as Ka'ale would torpedo to the line and the fisherman reeled it in fast and Ka'ale missed the fish. Ka'ale didn't give up as he went to the next and was able to steal himself some fish from other lines. He even went up on the rocks to get the fish. 
Thankfully the men at the outfall are aware of his antics and all are very good about it. At least the ones there today.

At a west side location they found two seals together to the right inlet. They ID'd Kawena RH36 and Kekoa Alii RK72 snoozing together. 
On a later check they were both in the same spot still sleeping.

In the afternoon Team Billand went back to check on RG28 Lefty who was joined by RN14 Kalani on the rocks. Both males look very healthy and were very cooperative by making their tags visible.

This evening after the sun had set Team Billand got a call from family friends. They had a seal on the beach and were concerned. So Team Billand headed over as quickly and they were able to ID RW02 PvKauai. It was getting dark fast so they didn't stay and headed for home. On their way home their friend called them back to say the seal left. 

Marilyn checked a couple of spots on the eastside, she had got word from posse pal Gayle there was a seal in the area. Marilyn found a large adult critter with a clean coat. There was a line scar on left side and possible scarring around the left eye. Seal was reported as a U/U.

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 11:45 to 1:50 to find a total of four critters.  The unidentified female (Mom) and PO1 were on the sand near Seal Rock Inlet. The pup was most active when it was overcast which made getting decent photos difficult. Most of her photos of the kid when the sun was out and it was sleeping. We still don't know who the Mom is, as she doesn't have any markers or they haven't been visible. By the way the kid is one week old !

The Kailua side of 1BS there were two unknown male seals. Both appear to be adult size, male bellies and tags. There was a brief interaction between them but for the most part they were in snooze mode.

 Rn14 Kalani 
 RG28 Lefty
Kaale RH32
Kawena & Kekoa
Lefty RG28 and Kalani RN14
RW02 PvKauai
Two U/Ms 
 Mom and PO1

02/29/2020 (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

Another windy, blustery, cold morning out in the park.
I only saw 2 seals. When I was on the hill getting to the point I saw a big seal in the Main Pool near the entrance. Because of it's position and the sun light it was hard to get his ID. So I went on to check Back Beach.... wow there was a HMSeal party last night into this morning. The trails from last night had rain marks on them and this morning's ones were dry,heading from the sleep over spots down to the water and towards Main Beach.
Back on Main Beach the seal decide to swim towards shallower water and starting vocalizing. One pic of his face and R330 Squinty was IDed.
20 minutes later a small seal showed up at the entrance of the pool and started making it's way towards the right side reefs it was RL74 Kami. Squinty smelt the little one and went straight to her. There was some splashing and we got to see Squinty try to bite her back. She flew towards the reefs and got out of the pool. 
He tried to follow she turned around on him said something that made him back up. She went on her way and he left the pool. Amazing little girl, kudos for her. Wonder what they feed them at Kaulapapa. These girls got guts !!
There was a lot of Albatrosses flying around before we got some rain. Most of the downpour by passed us we got the sides of it.  More soon 🌺

Friday, February 28, 2020

02/28/2020 Friday Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Lesley, Team Billand and me.  Lesley's Ka'ena observation is part two of the dailies.

I was able to observe Rabbit Island today between 12:30 and 1:45 this afternoon.  I did observe Mom and PO1 were in a waterhole by seal rock inlet. My vantage point today allowed me to see them in the waterhole.  Just about 1:30 I spotted a critter about 10 feet to the left of the water hole and after closely watching I realized it was PO1.  The pup got about 10 feet away from Mom paused for a minute then turned around and headed back.  

At left point beach was a young juvenile which I suspect is the one of the youngen's from last year. Much to my surprise when I got home and viewed the photos to the left of the UJ was an adult seal. I did see it and thought it was a rock, now in all fairness the seal was laying on top of a rock.  I had a good laugh, because so many times I stare at rocks wondering if it is a seal, and today it actually was!

Team Billand had been out at the outfall this morning and called the hotline to inform them of some concerns over nets in the area. Volunteers arrived to deal with the situation. 
Team Billand got a call of a seal at Plains and headed out. When they arrived at 9:30 the found RH92 Nalani peacefully sleeping on shore. There was a zone around Nalani most likely set up by the lifeguards. Team Billand called the hotline and waited but no one came. 
They headed out to check other locations.  Shortly after leaving
they got a call of another seal at Plains.
There they found Buster RV08 in a zone resting comfortably. They called the hotline again this time to report that there were two seals on shore. They stuck around for an hour and no one arrived. 

Team Billand headed back and stopped at a beach near the outfall. They found Lefty RG28 sleeping on  his rocks. He was resting peacefully.

Last find of the day for Team Billand was a west side location. There was only one seal on left high rocks. It was Kekoa Alii RK72. He was on his own today.

Mom and PO1 in water hole
 PO1 about 10 feet from Mom 
 Little buggah waved at me
 unknown adult and unknown juvenile 
 RH92 Nalani
 Buster RV08 
RG28 Lefty
 Kekoa Alii RK72