At 1046 the J/M would haul out to join Kawena, and both would enter the water with Kawena in the lead at 1055. Kolohe would enter the water at 1153. I became aware that there 2 or 3 animals in the water fronting Kolohe’s entry point.
At 1200 Kawena would haul out of Seal Rock Inlet, followed by Kolohe at 1218, and then the J/M at 1221. After some words between the boyz, all would settle down for an afternoon of snoozin’ .

A Team Billand text at 0519 advised that Benny (RE74) was at Paradise Cove. A reenlistment ceremony took place there. Benny was not interested in reenlisting. They advised that he departed at 0700.
At 1111 Barbara found Lei Ola (RH48)at the 25Min mark on the KP trail.
At 1123 she reported RL42 at the 30Min mark.

At 1207 text from Diane Gabriel brought word of Holokai (RG40) at the Elbow, Turtle Bay. Dr. Tom had reported him earlier in the day. She advised that she had stopped by Hauula to check RI37. She said Cindy was already there.
At Barbara text at 1244 advised that she found Squinty (R330), R3CU & Kerby(RW08) at the main pool, Ka’ena Point.
Kawena, J/M and Kolohe
i just want to pinch those cheeks
Re-enlistment ceremony
Lei Ola
Mom and Calf
This carcass must really reek ...
R3CU and Kerby