Kea was a no show today, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t completely control the flow of the day. Both Gayle and I did lotsa’ lookin’, and lotsa’ dealing with the insane traffic and crowds out this way.
At 1100 on my 2nd look at Rabbit Island I found Kainoa (RN04), at the log, in the Morning Glory, 40 ft left of 1BS. He would move down to cool off, allowing the ID. He was the only observed RI resident today.
At 1416 I asked Linda Nichols for a Kokee check, and sure enough she reported Rocky (RH58) at Irma’s Grotto, below her house.
At 0708 Team Billand reported Pohaku (RO28) at Paradise Cove.
At 1224 they reported the arrival of RIP (RR70) fronting #1707. He would reenter the water just briefly remaining in the same area, only to haul out again after a few minutes, fronting #1708, WP.
At 1259 Team Billand reported the arrival of Haupu (RB24) fronting the Surf Shack, White Plains.
Kimo Smith called at 1320 with the report of Benny (RE74) with line & swivel coming out of the left side of his mouth. No hook could be visualized. Tracy was advised, and NOAA personnel are going out to assess Benny’s situation . Awaiting word from Tracy, and Kimo shots.
Kimo called at 1922 to advise that Benny had departed just as Tracy & David were arriving, so there was no new info gained. Hopefully, Benny will move to the west side or some other accessible location tomorrow, so this can be dealt with.
Kimo also advised that RK36 & Luana (RN58) were also at KP. He also advised that he’d seen Nihoa (R912) at the Mokuleia birth beach in the morning.
Kainoa at Rabbit Island
Rocky at Kokee Flats
Haupu at White Plains
Pohaku at Paradise Cove
Rip at white plains