At 0813 Gayle called with the report of RK36 doing 7 minute dives at Spitting Cave.
Despite many, many hours of panning the beach front, tip to tip I never found Kainoa. I knew that he had to be hiding in plain sight behind just the right rock, but I never got a glimpse of him, until Kolohe decided to help me out. Kolohe entered the water at the left end at 1444 and 2 minutes later, at 1446 he was play with Kainoa, in a tide pool at the left end. The kid had been right there in front of me all along, but I just couldn't see him. He and Kolohe played until Kolohe tired of that and moved on at 1455.
I got word from a reliable source of an animal at Paradise Cove today, but I've heard nothing further, at this writing.
At 1402 Team Billand found RB24 at Guard Rails Beach, Maili.
At 1710 the Billands reported M&M (R020) at #1706, White Plains.
Kolohe and Duke
Aukai at Lanai Lookout
maybe she's waiting for her cousin Kaiwi who was a no show
RB24 at Guardrails
MM at white plains