Friday, March 4, 2011

3-4-2011 DB Dailies

It was a mostly ugly day out there, in all quadrants. My first order of business was Makapuu. Irma was gone, so I continued the adventure.

Despite all the regular checks it would be 1128 before I finally found a critter. From Makai Pier I found Sadie hauling out of Seal Rock Inlet. She moved up and into the Morning Glory, and spent a cool, rainy day snoozin' in the vegetation.

Even though I had only Sadie, it was nevertheless one of my favorite RI days of each year. Da' Birds are back !! The Sooty Terns have been in the area for a couple of weeks now, and the bulk of the Brown Noddys arrived only today. Today was "Landing Day" . The Noddys started at 1105, and the Sootys moved in at 1154. It is only the beginning. In another week Rabbit Island will be covered in birds.

Team Billand called to report Kermit fronting #1813 at Nimitz Beach, at 1118. On their 1432 recheck, Kermit was gone. Witnesses said they had just missed him. Another , smaller animal had hauled out and Kermit swam off with the Unknown. The intrepid Team is on da' hunt. Alas, they found Kermit foraging off the jetty, and the other animal as well, but it was too far out for an ID.

In the Yesterday's News file, Kelly Evans forward Kimo Kimura's Magic Island shots of Rocky in her trough. Thank You Kimo for being on it !


Da Birds - Run Tippy Run!
Kermit @ Nimitz
 Rocky @ Magic Island from 3-3-11

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