The day began with an U/U at Hanauma Bay. Unfortunately the animal caught me trying to get an ID, and immediately returned to the water. I HATE IT when that happens. My substantial gut says M&M, but I have no proof whatsoever.
Irma was at Irma's for the second consecutive day. This time in line with the Kealahou traffic light.
Tracy called at 1330 with the report of an animal in Waikiki. When I arrived at 1400 I found Rocky on a tiny piece of real estate behind the Castle Surf Condo. She had last been seen in Kalaeloa just day before yesterday. It looks like she's back in the SE quadrant neighborhood again. She made the KITV news !
The Rabbit Island cast was Ewa Girl and the pup, RIP, Sadie, and an U/U (possibly the sam HB animal ????? )
The Pup had quite a day. This was the first observed swim session . Ewa Girl could still rest on the bottom the the kid was definitely swimming around her. The session was just 4 minutes. The pup was nearly nonstop action today, constantly moving up and down from Mom's side to the water line. Mom could lay there and keep track, but when the kid got into the shore break she would move down to the water line. Their single swimming session was the only time Mom actually got in the water. The kid is definitely getting noticeably bigger, and is showing considerable independence. Mom definitely has her flippers full ! Aloha, DB