Thursday, January 16, 2025

January 16, 2025 Thursday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕

Let's just say it was a super quiet day on the west side.  The only seal they found today was their beloved fat Miss Kale RH76.  In spite of it being a beautiful day they did not find any other seals but did take in the beauty.


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

January 15, 2025 Wednesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:20 to 2:50 pm and there were two seals seen during that time. They were together on waterfront rocks between 3BS and SRI. They were helpful by giving Marilyn a few decent views to gather some identifying markers.
Adult Female: larger adult size, gray female belly, no information on tags.
Near the A/F is an Unknown Adult: smaller adult size, no information on tags or its sex, mostly because of rear or back view.

Team R&B's day can be summed up to whales and seals. Their first find was at Pokai, where they
spotted a dirty seal that just made it down to the rocks. They were able to ID RL70 Leina. She is looking nice and healthy not to mention chubby.
They spotted some whales that were far out but visible.

Next while they were at Kahe viewing the whales, they spotted a seal resting. They just happen to look over and see RL20. They got a kick out of a dragon fly bugging him (over his head on the right).

Rabbit Island

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

January 14, 2025 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:02 to 2:45 pm and there were three seals seen during that time. 
Near each other between 3BS and SRI were two seals:
RK24 Bruno: small adult size, light gray male belly, two red tags and scar on right rear side. He seemed so small compared to the Adult Female.
Adult Female: large adult size, sandy tan female belly, older coat, possible scar on lower neck/upper chest, and two red tags. She looked really large compared to RK24.
On the rock flats in front of RRB surge channel was an Unknown Sub-adult: smaller sub-adult size, newer coat, unsure about sex and tags. Marilyn is reasonably sure this is not the same U/J she reported yesterday that was in this area. 

Team R&B arrived at Pokai and looked out and around. They saw whales that were really far out. They were there for over an hour when they spotted a green seal in the water diving down.
They waited what seemed like forever for it to show up again and it did. They ID'd RH48 Lei Ola who was busy foraging, she never landed.

Next they headed over to yoks . They wait all year for the whales to return and today was a whale of a day! Not to mention the waves were amazing and dangerous.

Checking out the area forever, looking for seals and coming up empty.
Just as they were giving up, a seal hauled out at Tracks. They could see it was Kaale RH32 looking big and fat. It didn't take long for people to show up and check him out.
Just as they were going to leave they heard a woman yell out whales!  She pointed and there out in the water a Mom and her calf were putting on show.
Needless to say watching all the whale action was something special.  To bring the day to a close they discovered one last seal on the rocks. It wasn't there earlier and must have snuck in while they were distracted.  They ID'd RL20 Kalua.

Rabbit Island

Monday, January 13, 2025

January 13, 2025 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn, posse pal Kathy and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:22 to 2:12 pm and there were two seals seen during that time.
Between 3BS and SRI was a Juvenile Female: juvenile size, older coat, tan female belly and two red tags.
In the surge channel of RRB Marilyn saw a small bit of a light belly of a seal. When the seal finally moved partially up out of the channel. Marilyn is labeling this as Unknown Juvenile: juvenile size, unsure about tags and its sex.

A quick email from posse pal Kathy stating she had seen Rocky RH58 today. Seems there were a
couple of other male seals on site as well. Kathy only forwarded a photo of our beloved Rocky.    Thank you! Good to see our old girl.

Team R&B started their morning finding one seal. It was Miss Kala RH76 who had just hauled in and was resting in her zen spot.
They hung out for over an hour hoping another seal would show up, but there were none.  They did see a few whales that were far out, but still good to see.

They checked the usual spots but there were no other seals. They got tired of waiting and looking and then quit for the day.
They did send a photos of a body surfer having a great time. Also a Kolea looking and catching bugs.

Rabbit Island
body surfer