Monday, May 17, 2010

5/17/2010 DB Dailies

Kolohe and an Unknown male were the only Rabbit Island residents today. I know in my heart the unknown was probably Buster, but I can't prove that at all. Since he was either hiding behind water front rocks or departing at 1143, I could never see what I needed to see. Kolohe snoozed at the right end of the beach all day.

Team Billand found Kermit at Wind Sock, Kalaeloa Beach at 0930. He would depart with the rising tide at 1514.

They also found Irma on the main beach at White Plains.

Dera called at 0940 to say that 2 animals had been reported at separate locations near the Turtle Bay Hotel. Todd responded by reported that he'd found nothing. I'll put my dollar on Right Spot and R5AY, but again, I can't prove that.

I received word from Tracy today that the new animal found by Team Kenyon yesterday at KP, is now officially Temp 401. Team Kenyon have named the animal CeeCee, because of the 2 partial CC scars on the right side. So let it be written....So let it be done !

I've been doing a little naming of my own. For the last 5 consecutive mornings a little Cardinal has landed on my mirror when I pull into Hanauma Bay for my early morning check. I call him Albert Pujols (it's baseball humor folks... ya' either get it or you dont)

Posse member Jen Christian was on Kauai this past weekend and stopped by to visit Rocky & son. The boy is huge !
Rocky and Pup
Unidentified - DB is stumped...

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