A gathering place for Hawaiian Monk Seal Supporters & Professionals to talk story.
Report all Sightings to 808-220-7802 or email PIFSC.monksealsighting@noaa.gov
Oh this is such a wonderful time when we get to see all these amazing pup shots.... it NEVER gets old !!! I will say this series is exceptionally cute.... ya done good Diga !!
LOOK at this kid !!! how can anyone resist this cuteness
Mothers love no matter what species
can't tell if it's sand or bleach mark.... okay crew anyone want to comment on whether this little one has some unique markings
At 0700 I arrived at the Blowhole Lookout to find Kea (RN46) snoozin’ in the cove on the Sandy Beach side of the lookout. He has remained all day.
At 0834 I found what would prove to be Kaiwi (RK96) next to the log, in the Morning Glory, 40 ft left of 1BS on Rabbit Island. She would later move down near the water line where she remained the rest of the day.
At 0827 Team Billand reported Haupu (RB24) lolling in Lagoon#2, KoOlina. Mahalos to Warren & Terri !
At 1526 the Billands advised that they had gotten a Dana call about an animal at Lagoon#4, KoOlina, with a transmitter on it’s back. At 1600 the Billands confirmed that it was the Benny (RE74). The Billands advised that he look healthy and seems to have gained some wait. He had last been reported, via map off Malaekahana on the 20th. His last stop in the west quadrant had been at White Plains on 2-13-15.
The Billands reported that a maintenance person at Secrets told them there had been an animal there all day yesterday. There had been no calls, and they said signs were still up this morning.
I got mail from Karen Banes this morning advising that there had been an animal reported at Paradise Cove yesterday. Again, there had been no calls. I’m wondering if these two reports might not be the same critter, but ???
Kea - I love this shot
Little porky
Benny at Lagoon 4 Welcome Back Benny boy!
Benny and his belly patch
Haupu oh... no oh.... this makes us all so nervous !
Here's the full version of Diane's video that many saw on Hawaii News Now as an edited version. ( the link below will take you to the clip posted on facebook) I am sure the official news clip will be available tomorrow for viewing.... Thank you Diga for the scoop! Amazing video.... gives us all a chance to enjoy the experience.... Our Honey Girl is something else !!!
The day began at 0645, but it would be 0939 before I logged my first critter. To my happy surprise it would proved to be my 2nd born son, Mojo (RI17) at Seal Rock Inlet, on Rabbit Island. It would take a few hours but I finally saw his natural bleach on the top left side of his head, multiple times confirming the Mojo ID.
At 1220 Kainoa (RN04) hauled out 50 ft left of 3BS. He moved up and remained the rest of the day.
Gayle & Melanie roamed through the quadrant today. Thanks guys !! Melanie found an U/U at Spitting Cave at 1308. Though it must be carried as an U/U, my guess, based one of Melanie’s shots, would be Buster, with the scar through his left eyelid, but ??????
The Billands had by far the most interesting day. At 0745 they received a call about an animal in the KoOlina Marina channel. They arrived to find Haupu (RB24) logging in the channel. Boat operators were going above and beyond not do disturb her as she lolling in the channel. All were very aware of her and took great effort to maneuver around her. She would later move to the back of the marina, and spent considerable time hangin’ out at Quentin Kawananakoa’s yacht , and then moving back into the channel. It is amazing to me that Haupu can, in just a coupla’ flipper flaps, move from the garbage of the Maipalaoa canal, to cruisin’ amongst the yachts of the KoOlina Marina. The Billands returned to the KoOlina Marina at 1652 based on a report of a birth in the channel. They found Haupu behaving normally. There was no evidence of anything out of the ordinary having happened.
Received a Lesley video of yesterday’s events at Turtle Bay. Check it out. Thanks to Lesley for allowing us to join in the moment.
In the Yesterday’s News department, Kimo Smith once again did the after work trek to The End of the World. On 2-25-15 he found BG (R303), Ka’ena(RO40), Luana (RN58), RW02, R330 & RK36 at Ka’ena Point. Thanks to for taking the injured Albatross to the Bird Rehab at Sea Life Park. That was most definitely above and beyond the call of duty. Ya’ Done Good !
UU (could be Buster)
Haupu at the yacht club.... this is too funny
this reminds me of days gone by when little KP2 was on Molokai hanging out at the marina
HOORAY!!!!!! What wonderful news! Big MAHALOs to the team of volunteers who were out there and secured the area in record time !!! Let's hope we have a peaceful and amazing pupping experience.... Thank you Diane G for sharing these amazing photos.... I know you said to pick a couple but... it was soooo hard to choose so I included most of them !!
Bun in the oven is all baked and ready.
little noodle shortly after birth
she's such a good momma
okay this is a smart kid... it usually takes a little bit for them to find the food source...
If you would like to submit information or photos please send an email to dabella50@gmail.com PHOTOS and contents may NOT be copied without permission.
Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕 They headed out early hoping to find some seals, but they didn't find any. While ch...
Blog Blues
I have been trying to fix the comment section that appear in the sidebar. Not sure if it's a programming issue or upgrade problem, either way comments will have to be viewed by looking at the individual post.
Mahalo for you patience.
If you would like to know more about PEIS for Hawaiian monk seal recovery actions... Please check out the following link: