At 0735 they reported M&M (R020) hauling out briefly to #1708, but she would return to the water for some buoy play time, then hauling out again at 0741 fronting Tower#1, at WP.
At 1245 I got a call from Ocean Safety advising that their Magic Island lifeguard had reported finding "a decomposing seal head on the rocks". I notified Dalin . At 1312 they called again to advise that it was a large fish head. I notified Dalin but she decided to go check anyway . At 1527 she confirmed that it was, in fact, a large fish head.
Tracy checked in at 1439 to advise that she had gotten an N58 bleach on Luanna (RN58) at the Mokuleia birth beach, and an N13 bleach on RW02 at Ka’ena Point. She also advised that she had seen Ka’ena (RO40) and Kerby (RW08) there as well. Photos will follow tomorrow.
M38 and Aukai <- who decided to leave Moku Nui
Kolohe at Secrets
MM this just cracks me up.... She continuously finds her way to the buoy for some play time! she's the buoy babe!
and here she is exiting the water - very frisky today
Rip and MM