Saturday, February 7, 2009

DB Post Saturday 2/7/2009

I was on it dark and early, since I knew Irma was back in the neighborhood. The Waikiki day, and then Spitting Cave yesterday, all said she was back. Sure enough , on my 3rd check of Sandy Beach, therrrrrrre was Irma , just hauling out near the Half Point rocks, on the main beach at Sandys, at 0803. There was an elderly , beach walking couple standing right there whom I see them nearly every morning. When I bombed on to the scene as she was galumphing up, they were in complete awe of the fact that somehow, I always magically appear just when the animals haul out. I always use the Monachus Gene explanation, rather than tell them the truth, that if you check every few minutes, you're likely to come pretty close. It does happen pretty often though, so there may be some Super Powers involved ?? I checked in on Irma several times during the day, and she was doing just fine amongst the Sandy Beach hordes. She is still there as of this writing, but I'll recheck her again at dusk.

Irma was still there when I departed Sandy Beach at 2000. All but the hardest core parking lot drunks had left. I picked up the rope and left some signs. Good Luck Irma !

The Rabbit Island cast looked exactly like yesterday, initially. It was once again RIP, Buster, RB08 and Sadie, all down at the left end of the beach. Buster would enter the water at 0913 and I did not see him again today, but the rest remained all day.

On a routine pan of the beach front at 0934, I suddenly became aware that there was another critter. Partially visible behind a gnarly forked driftwood branch at the right end of the beach, I found Kolohe. I'm sure he'd been there all along, but I just finally saw him when the lighting allowed. He moved down to cool off later, but remained all day.

Despite multiple calls to the White Plains lifeguards, and multiple messages requesting a call back, I never heard about any critters out that way. Since their quad is out of service they are also not checking the campground area or Nimitz Beach, so without a coupla' good Billands, I'm in the dark as to life in the SW quadrant. I just can't bring myself to leave the SE quadrant with Irma amongst the hordes.

There were no other calls for critters that I'm aware

RIP, RB08 & Sadie

1 comment:

Laura said...

Ya know how when you love someone, if you're out somewhere in a huge crowded space with lots of people, that person can walk in way over on the other side of room behind you and something will make you turn around? Or if you lose sight of yer loved one at, say, an amusement park (sans cell phones), you can sense where they are and you always find eachother?

Whatever that "super power" is, seems to me you've got that connection with the seals, DB. Enjoy it, 'cause with the cell phone thing, I think humans are gonna lose it.