On my first look at Rabbit Island, at 0624 I saw what would later prove to be Kolohe (RW22) in the Morning Glory, 40 ft left of 1BS.
At 0705 I found Buster (RV08) doing 7 minute dives at Spitting Cave.
While I was watching Buster, Gayle called at 0714 to say that she was with Kaiwi (RK96) who was down at the ladder, at SC.
Posse member Kimo called to report that both Buster and Kaiwi departed around the point, headed east at 0857.
I was back to Makai Pier at 1100. At 1115 I finally found Aukai just moving up from behind the water front rocks at Rocky Right Beach, on RI. She had probably been there all along, but didn't become visible until the tide drove her higher.
Zeeny called at 1203 to report that Kaiwi (RK96) was now at Spitting Cave, and sent confirming photos. Gayle also sent shots.
Vera checked in at 0757 to advise that T21M was at Iroquois Point.
At 0844 Team Billand found Pohaku (RO28), apparently overnighted for D#5 at Banyan Tree Beach, KoOlina. When they came back for a 1511 recheck she was gone. Posse member , Linda called the Billands to report that Pohaku had relocated to Secret Beach, at 1707.
Team Billand reported 2AW at 3rd Dips, Yokes, at 1319.
Though I'd heard nothing from Diamond Head this morning, I did find 1200 email from Rachel, saying that Irma (R010) had apparently overnighted, but departed at approximately 1130, according to witnesses.
At 1356 Vera called to report that IRQ security had called her about Rocky (RH58) at IRQ. Vera's shots confirm Rocky & T21M snoozin' together at IRQ.
Dera called at 1453 to advise that Eileen had called around 1400 to report Ewa Girl (RS00), with an U/M with red tags, and Kekoa (RK72) at the Reef Runway.
I spoke with Tracy late in the day, and she mentioned in passing that Lona (R017) had pupped at Kalaupapa between the 20th & 22nd.
In the "Yesterday's News" department, Zeeny visited Mom & Pup at Mokuleia yesterday. You've seen her videos. Here are just a few of her shots from the visit.
I'm sure some will say "OMG....... morrrrrrre pup photos?" Well, there is nothing more warm & fuzzy that Mom and Pup shots, so when properly edited there just can't be too many pup shots. Vera Cober, one of the most talented photographer/posse persons out there visited R912&Pup today. Yep.... there are more pup shots.... Enjoy !!!! We also have Diane who was on today's schedule.
Kaiwi @ spitting cave
see it really is her
T21 @ Iroquois
T21 full body
are you checking me out?
T21 and Rocky
Rocky rockstar getting some rest
2AW @ Yokes
Big butt
the caution tape was put up before Team Billand got there.... apparently 2AW was being looked after. FYI - we strongly discourage the use of plastic caution tape, first we want to avoid the crime scene look, two not good to be using the plastic, and three it almost draws more attention than needed.
RO28 @ Banyan Tree... I had to double take on this photo. There is a pic of Kerby from a couple of years ago that looks very much like this one.... who knows maybe they related?
She takes after Maka'iwi with her poses... speaking of, when is that girl going to come home!