Wednesday, September 30, 2020

09/30/2020 Wednesday Monk Seal Dailies


Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand and Lesley. Lesley's Ka'ena update is part 2 of the dailies.

At 7:30 am Team Billand found RN14 Kalani in the little pond snoozing. He later moved to rocks and was still resting.  They could see there was another seal at another beach across the way.

They headed over to check it out and it was R407 Kawika. He was alone having a siesta. There were no signs of any molt.

At 7:45 am they found RH32 Kaale resting on shore peacefully. The surfers had their music on for all to

hear but it did not bother Kaale. They spent time carefully looking him over and they did not see any line or hooks. They called the hotline to inform.  At 9:12 he departed and headed for the outfall. A volunteer arrived and Team Billand updated them.

As predicted Kaale arrived at the outfall up to his usual antics. He was stealing fish and foraging. At one point he chased the lines, came up on the rocks and looked at the fisherman who was frantically reeling his akule fast.  Kaale was lost, and fisherman won!  Volunteer was on site and was in awe of the adventures of Kaale.  Kaale left the outfall at 10:25 and headed for a nearby beach.  He hauls out and was near RN14 Kalani (his old bosom buddy)

Team Billand headed over to another west side location at 11:45. There was RL20 Kalua was to the right of seal inlet. The waves finally got to him and he galumphed inland to sleep.

RW22 Kolohe was on left high rocks alone. Waves were washing over him until he gave up and dove into the water and headed over to RL70's spot. It was interesting to see his reaction when he spotted her snoozing. He galumphed up to her but stayed about four feet away, never bothering her. He did keep his eye on her the entire time.

RL70 Leina was already at her shaded large rock. When Kolohe saw her he went into the play boy pond near her and just watched. Leina galumphed to her sand patch and Kolohe followed, but ketp back and both just snoozed the rest of the visit.

RN14 Kalani

R407 Kawika
Kaale RH32
Kaale @outfall
Kaale & RN14 Kalani
RL20 Kalua
RW22 Kolohe
RL70 Leina
Kolohe and RL70 Leina
sweet little RL70

09/30/2020 (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

 For the last couple of days I've had RN58 Luana, RG40 Holokai and R330 Squinty at Lyman's. 

Sunday the 2 boys spent the day side by side
Monday Luana joined the boys for the day
Tuesday Squinty spent the day alone
This morning RN58 Luana was back and R330 Squinty was further down the beach. His molt is @ 40%
At the point RL74 Kami overnighted at Back Beach and while I was there made her way down to the waterline
RO40 Ka'ena was on the central island reef of Main Pool being washed by the waves coming in from the big swell.
When I was heading back, I stopped to watch a private show performed by John-John Florence and friends, they make surfing look so easy.
Little RL98 Lina hauled out at 10Minutes Beach while I was at the point. Still not shedding/molt showing.  More tomorrow - Be Safe 🌺😷

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

09/29/2020 (part 2) In Addition


I got a late email from Melody who spent the early part of the day on the west side. She got a couple of great shots of Kaale chowing down.  

Later Melody got a call from a friend of a seal at Kaimana Beach, so off she went and sure enough there was Kaiwi.  Shark sightings are still posted, but Kaiwi was safe on shore resting with a zone set up around her.  

Melody also sent a link to drone footage taken by her friend Ann Cecil. Ann took some great footage of the sharks feeding off the Kaimana Beach.  THANK YOU for letting me share.

09/29/2020 Tuesday Monk Seal Dailies

 Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand.

Team Billand saw Kaale briefly in the outfall but they were on their way to another site. When they arrived at the outfall to check on Kaale he had left and heading to Tracks. Volunteer Melina was arriving as well. Kaale hauled out by the tree. They saw the line dangling, but he wasn't stressed, no chaking his head at all. NOAA's Mark Sullivan came out to check.  Team Billand got word later some of the line was cut and Mark did get a look and did not see any hooks. 

R407 Kawika was way off by the bunkers, different from where he had been the last couple of days. He was resting peacefully. There were dog tracks nearby, and then Team Billand saw three little dogs come charging out. These are the same dogs and dude from Electric Beach. Team Billand was able to deter the dogs but they kept coming back. Kawika just lay there.  When they did a recheck later in the day he was still there.

At noon Team Billand arrived at another location and found RL20 Kalua snoozing on left lower rocks.

He barely moved during their observation. They did see the line from the right corner of his mouth.

RL70 Leina was under a large rock in partial shade. Smart seal since it was so hot. Then she galumphed to her sand patch.

RW22 Kolohe was still at the site, sleeping in peace. He did not react to Leina at all.

At Makua Cliffs they looked at what they thought was a rock but it was too smooth. Sure enough it was a critter. They were thrilled to see RL42 Leia hidden away. She is looking good from what they could see of her.

 Ka'ale RH32
Kawika R407
Ka'ale @Tracks
love this pic!
RL20 Kalua
RL70 Liena
RL42 Leia