Tuesday, June 30, 2015

6/29/2015 News from Kauai on PK3 and Pohaku

Thanks to our pal Val for these adorable pics of PK3 who is enormous compared to PO3....lol
Pohaku seems to be taking good care of this little porky!
 holy hannah.... that's a very round pup

6/29/2015 Photos from Leighton Lum of Ua Maile and PO3 - Day 3 and Auntie Ola Loa

Ua Maile and Pup
 she's got this kid wrapped up
 Meanwhile Auntie Ola or better known as baby sister is having a relaxing time

6/29/2015 DB's Dailies: Cass,Kea&UF@RI, Buster@BH, Nihoa@Kaupuni Canal, RI37@Rocky Pt, Ua Malie&PO3@TB

On my 2nd look at Rabbit Island at 0815 I found what would prove to be Kea (RN46), and Cass (RG06) , 30 ft apart on the left end rock flats. Kea would later move to join Cass and both would enter the water for a swim/play session for a lot of the day. They would haul out together to the flats at 1232 and snoozed away the rest of the day.

 At 1017 on a routine pan I found what would remain an U/F, with 2 red tags, at Seal Rock Inlet at the right end of the beach. She would move down behind the water front rocks with the rising tide and I was never able to get an ID.

 At 0700 Team Billand reported Nihoa in the Kaupuni Stream canal on the west side.

 I got a text from Vicki Hangai at 1700, but didn’t get the message until 1800. She reported “V38" at the Blowhole Cove. When I arrived at 1807 I found Buster (RV08) snoozin’ at the cove. Thank you Vicki !!

I also realized at 1800, I’d had a voice mail from Ocean Safety at 1713, reporting an animal at Sunset Beach. I notified Dana.
She advised that RI37 was at Rocky Point, but as of right now it is unknown if this is the same reported Sunset animal. Awaiting further word.

 Diane Gabriel sent Ua Malie & PO3 shots from her shift today at Turtle Bay. Thank you Diga for today’s edition.

 A Happy 5th to Ua Malie, as well as a Happy 21st to NOAA Intern Sam !!

 Buster at blow hole
 Happy 5th Birthday Ua Maile .... New Mommy
 Kea and Cass 
Ua Maile and PO3 - momma calling to the kid
 just keep swimming
 little lump.. big bump
 Ma.. hey Ma ... Ma ... Mom Momma ... wake up
 chow time
 nap time
Grandpa and Oliva watching over Nihoa at Kaupuni Canal
 oh this is crappy water
 What a great picture!!!  she's a cutey!  and Grandpa's looking good too

Monday, June 29, 2015

6/28/2015 More Pup Pics from Vera C

Thank you Vera for the great series of photos...
I would like to invite you and others who are sitting watch over Mom and pup to share some of your observations watching over these two....  
 Mom has a face full of sand

6/28/2015 Ua Maile and PO3

Thank you to Gina W and Erin A for sharing their photos while watching over Mom and Pup.... WE LOVE pup pics... there are never too many !!!
 little seal kisses
 more kisses

Sunday, June 28, 2015

6/28/2015 Photos from Jason O'Rourke

RI37 beginning her molt...
 Ua Maile and PO3
 Love this... little teenie tiny pup and Big Momma