Thursday, January 17, 2013

1-17-2013 Team Billand

Pohaku RO28

 Maka'iwi - does my breath stink? 
 Maka'iwi 4DF
 Maka'iwi and Benny
 Maka'iwi and MM
 MM and Maka'iwi
Benny RE74
 Kermit 4DG

1 comment:

barbara said...

Yesterday quite challenging for us old guys...especially when it was thought, a monk seal was entangled at KoOlina. We all know who goes there almost daily...POHAKU. I was in tears while trying to care for Kermit and Makaiwi at Plains with Robert. We whipped all the perimeters, took a few photos and charged to KoOlina. I kept thinking if Pohaku is entangled...we will quit this job we cant tollerate another entanglement, DEATH. Its too heart breaking..just too hard.
But when we got there in warped speed...there was Miss Pohaku, sleeping on the sand...and looking so beautiful. Security and Rob quickly roped her off as the many folks started gathering at her site to see the FAT SEAL ON SHORE. She is quite a celebrity there at KoOlina. Linda came out immediately also to take over so we could respond to three animal report at Yokes.

Well all we found was .... the beautiful chunky, 912, the female who came from the north western islands a few years ago. And she pupped at Mokuleia..L42 is her pup. We were wondering who that chick on shore was...and when we made the id, IT WAS PURE JOY!!! We have so much respect for her...I mean she traveled here to hooked, tossed that hook herself, got bitten by a shark, healed herself, had her gorgeous pup L42...and there she lay before us...AWESOME. Someone should give her a STRONG NAME FOR ALL HER JOURNIES AND EXPeriences. She has these white nails that gave her an id immediately plus all her scars. god bless her.
We never saw the other three animals...DAM!!

Ok, long story short, we had FOUR animals at Plains..Makaiwi who is molting, Kermit who is done molting, M and M came in at 2pm. No problems with Makaiwi, they got along fine.

Next DA BENNY showed up around 5 pm and plopped his body in between Makaiwi and M and m. How cool is this???????? Four animals, three in the zone together, one off on his own. Just Rob and Me...extraordinary and a blessing.

Ok, three day weekend coming...hope if four animals show up...together...people respect the boundaries and all can get the rest they need.

People ask, how come they are coming here at Plains..maybe the big waves on the north and west shores...who knows. But we love it, keeps us on our toes..

Most of all..we are so very grateful Pohaku, our FAT FEMALE, is ok and very healthy!!!!
