Wednesday, October 25, 2023

October 25, 2023 Wednesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕

Their first find was at one of the west side daily stops. There was RG28 Lefty on lower rocks. He was alone and resting.

From afar they spotted an adult seal cruising along the shore line. They didn't see if it had tags, adult size, with green and a scar on the right side of its head.  The Unknown Adult was seen by the tourist. Thankfully the seal kept heading in a westerly direction, then Team R&B lost sight of it.

Also from a distance they noticed another seal. They watched as it hauled up on shore. There were folks who walked over, but they were respectful. 
When Team R&B got to the site they found none other than the fat master thief RH32 Kaale. 
Not even 10 minutes later some dude got excited about seeing Kaale he got his family over. Immediately the girl laid on shore imitating Kaale and Dad was there to take picture. The boy ran around Kaale, and made like he was touching the seal, reaching out his arm and laughing, getting closer. Finally Team R&B couldn't stand by so they yelled out to them to get back!!!
The family stuck around digging holes and yelling, poor Kaale was very aware of them. Then Kaale rolled his into the water and took off. They never saw him again.

Last stop at Makaha they found the lovely Miss RL42 resting on shore. The waves kept slapping her and every once in awhile she would snort at the waves. Seems she was giving the waves a piece of her mind.
There was also a Unknown Subadult foraging off the reef. The unknown had a clean coat, they didn't see any tags, but with the bright sunlight it was impossible to make an ID.

Unknown Adult
Unknown Subadult

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