Monday, October 9, 2023

October 09, 2023 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:00 to 2:45 and there were two seals on island during that time.
Near the SRI channel was RK24 Bruno/Wawamalu who has started his molt.  RK24: adult size, old coat, brown make belly, two red tags, scar on the right rear side. The molt is about about 10% on the upper left chest area. He moved around a lot and did several nose-in-the-sand pushes.
Just hauling out on RRB was a Weaner Female: weaner to juvenile size, pale female belly and two red tags. 

Team R&B were in the outfall/electric beach area for several hours. They spotted two seal in the water. They determined one to be Aukai RL12 due to the scar on the her head and red tags.
The other seal was a male, also with red tags, but too far away to read. The male was very green and adult size.
Both seals were foraging at a bait ball and was around snorkelers. The seals caught Team R&B's attention due to their fighting and splashing.
An added note there were the dolphins out having a good time as usual.

Next stop to another west side location they found R604. She was alone on waterfront rocks. She was getting smacked by the waves but managed to hang on.

Rabbit Island
Aukai RL12
unknown male

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