Tuesday, October 17, 2023

October 17, 2023 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:00 to 2:10 and there were three seals during that time.
About 29 feet Lanikai side of 1BS was an ADult Male: adult size, old coat, tannish brown male belly and to red tags.
Initially about 20 feet Makapuu side of 1BS was a Juvenile Female: juvenile size, old coat, tan female belly with some green, two red tags. Green around and below her eyes.
Between 3BS and SRI was a seal reported as an Unknown Adult: adult size, new coat, light to medium
gray belly and two red tags. Because of the sand, Marilyn could not decide if it was a male or female. Her best guess it's RK24 but she can not be sure.

Team R&B first visit to the bay they spotted RH76 Kala foraging alone. She was foraging off the rocks doing 8 minute dives. Then she spotted her coming into the area and she hauled out.

Off to another west side location the surf was big and it covered the area where R604 had landed. In spite of the waves jiggling her about she stayed put.

Checking in at the outfall they once again found RL20 Kalua foraging and stealing fish. Sometimes he chased the fishermen's fish all the way to the wall. He was lucky the fishermen were okay with his being there.
Team R&B saw two more seals foraging together off the outfall, to the right of the jetty. Once was an adult with a clean coat, ID'd as KG54.  The other was was an adult male who was none other than the original fish thief Kaale RH32. Neither landed during their watch.

They decided to walk out and around Kahe, it was later when they were shocked to find RG28 Lefty. He was there resting alone.
They returned to the area just to see if any seals had joined Lefty. They saw RH32 Kaale hauling up on the rocks. Kaale went from 0 to 60 when he saw Lefty there, but Lefty whooped at him and Kaale turned and moved away.

Team R&B's last stop was another visit to the bay. There was another seal there, a female who they ID'd as RL70 Leina.  Miss Kala was still on site.

Rabbit Island
RH32 & KG54

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