Team Billand arrived at KoOlina at 6 am after leaving Paradise Cove. While at Paradise Cove they saw a wallow to the left corner with lots of footprints. ( like the seal was chased off). At KoOlina they saw another wallow with lots of footprints so they knew some critter had to be around. Sure enough they found Pohaku RO28, BUT she was totally dry, up against the Naupaka resting. There were no footprints or tracks by her body. According to security she arrived last evening around 7 pm, so she spent the night and wasn't the critter at Paradise Cove. They stayed for a couple of hours and did some outreach. They had called the hotline, but had to leave at 8:15.
At 12:55 they were finally got to go and check and found security reported a seal in Lagoon 4 and had landed. They found Benny RE74 on the shoreline, resting on his side. He then moved up onto the sand. There were lots of people wanting to know if this was Pohaku and they explained no it's Benny, male 15 years old will be 16 on August 30th. Then people wanted to know, well how do you know that? Ummm, Team Billand met Benny in 2007 out there for 11 years. They called the hotline again, security had put up the signs. Team Billand left the site at 3:30 pm.
Canadian Posse Darlene and Todd spent time today with Kaiwi RK96 and PO3. So happy this couple got to experience their first pup, just wish DB was here with them to enjoy it.
Pohaku RO28
RN14 Kalani
RE74 da Benny
RN14 Kalani at Paradise Cove
Kaiwi and PO3 Water time