At 0720 Team Billand reported Kekoa (RK72) at Maili Point.
At 0807 the Billands responded to a call about tar balls at Aki’s Beach. They found no oil, but did find two wallows, with departure trails, along with lots of dog tracks.

At 0946 the found U’ilani (RN36) at the Reef Runway.
Dana called at 1330 to advise that Temp319 had been seen at Ka’ena Point today, by Tammy & Dave T. I found Tammy’s excellent shots waiting for me when I got home. Tammy said she had passed NOAA personnel on her way out, as they were heading in. Tammy’s shots seemed to show that the green line since in Marilyn’s shots from Saturday, appeared to be a piece of netting, and was wrapped out the guys right front, lower tooth. A phone conversation with Tracy, who had responded, confirmed that this was, in fact, the case. There is no hook.
Dana called at 1858 to advise of an animal reported at Kaimana Beach. Since Rocky is only 17 days into mom hood, that rules her out. Karen Rohter was responding. At 1932 Karen called to advise that the animal had departed at 1845, prior to her arrival, however witnesses stated that the animal had a transmitter on it’s back. Ordinarily, I'd jump at the RIP ID, however there is a sliver of doubt with this one because RIP was seen and photographed earlier today at Ka'ena Point. While it is technically possible it could be him, Benny, with his transmitter patch still on his back is also a distinct possibility. Hopefully, tomorrow will tell the rest of the story. Stay tuned.
In the Day Before Yesterday’s News department I received shots from Erin Adams, showing Kaikaina (RL54) & RIP (RR70) at KP on 7-28-15.
U'ilani at reef runway
Wallows and lots of doggie footprints
Molting UU
Temp 319
Kaikaina and Rip