Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Feb 15, 2023 Wednesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 11:55 to 1:40 and there were three seals on island today.
On LPB were:
Adult Female: adult size, tannish gray female belly with some darker splotches, and two red tags.
Almost down directly from the 1BS was a Subadult Male: subadult size, yellowish tan male belly and possibly two red tags.
Between 3BS and SRI was a Juvenile Male: juvenile size, silvery-light gray male belly and possibly two red tags. Marilyn thinks this seal has a diagonal scar on his lower jaw. 

Team R&B started their day out watching whales. They heard someone calling out their name about a seal. They ran over to find R604 in the water munching on something big.  It turned out to be a broom fish, R604 tried swallowing it, but it was too big. She tossed it about over and over into smaller pieces. It took 20 minutes for her to eat all of it, amazing.

Next they made their way to secrets to check, they were shocked to find no seals. So they waited around for a bit. Sure enough a seal came charging in to the rocks on the Waianae end. It hauled up looking around. They ID'd RG28 Lefty, who settled in and went into snooze mode.  They called the hotline and waited. No volunteers arrived so they headed out at noon.

At another west side location they saw two seals upon their arrival. On high rocks was RH76 Kala and RP30 Puka.  Then they saw just below them was R3CU napping in the small water hole.
Their not sure how they spotted another seal since it was so well hidden. It took them a while to get an ID. They finally figured out it was RL70 Leina. And all was good on the west side.

Rabbit Island
R604 and her big fish
RH76 & RP30

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