Sunday, February 19, 2023

Feb 19, 2023 Sunday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn, Melody and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 2:45 to 4:00 and there were four seals on island today.
Near each other on the Lanikai side of LPB were:
Adult Female 1: subadult to adult size, lighter female belly, unsure about tags.
Unknown Adult: adult size, dark coat, unknown gender or tags because of its position.
About 50 feet Lanikai side of SRI was a Subadult Male: subadult size, light male belly and two red tags.
On the waterfront rocks in front of SRI was Adult Female 2: adult size, light gray female belly and unsure about tags.

Melody ventured out today to visit with Kaimana and PO1.  They had visitor today, seem RQ64 Laki has been coming around the pupping site recently. Today she was there when Melody first arrived in the morning and was still there when she left in the afternoon.
Mom and pup didn't acknowledge she was there and she kept a good distance away. She growing up since last spring.

Team R&B were out checking a lot of the sites and were coming up empty.  Finally they got lucky and came across RK72 Kekoa Alii on left high rocks. He was alone resting, except for the ten fishers but everyone was coexisting just fine.
Since there weren't a lot of seals to find they spent some time watching the whales. Always a great way to pass the time.

Lastly checking out the bay, they found one last seal. There was Miss Kala RH76 alone and enjoying her peace and quiet.  No males bugging her and no humans getting too close.

Rabbit Island
RJ58 & PO1

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