Sunday, February 12, 2023

Feb 12, 2023 Sunday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B 💕

They decided after a rough couple of days they would take it slow today. I do understand that one can feel defeated out there, so for them to want to take it slow, by all means.
Gratefully their first find brought them pure joy! They found RH76 Kala snuggled in the warm rocks with little RP30 Puka. They were both in good shape and looking beyond adorable.  Seems this is exactly the medicine Team R&B needed.
And to add a little more joy they spotted a big seal on seal inlet. It was R3CU enjoying his snooze on the rocks.
Next they decided to check out secrets even though the last couple of days were difficult. Today RK72
Kekoa Alii was with RG32. They were both snoozing peacefully.  There were people sitting on the rocks even with the signs up. There weren't loud like most people have been on any given day.
More people came and thought it was okay to just walk on shore past the signs. Team R&B asked them to get behind the signs and most complied except for that one guy. 
They just watched and then a big wave washed over the seals. They both woke up, looked around and then went back to sleep. The guy finally moved out of the zone and left the area.
More people came and Team R&B talked about the seals and answered questions. They called the hotline.  Finally by 12:30 Team R&B called it a day.

RH76 & RP30
RK72 looking very fat
Kekoa Alii and RG32

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