Sunday, February 5, 2023

Feb 5, 2023 Sunday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 2:05 to 3:45 and there were three seals on island during her observations.
In the surge channel on LPB was an Adult Female: adult to subadult size, tannish gray female belly and two red tags. She may have some sort of scar on the right side of her mouth.
Closer to the 1BS on LPB was a Subadult Male: smaller subadult size, light male belly and two red tags.

Between 3BS and SRI was an Unknown Female: subadult size, but Marilyn never got any view other
than its rear side. Possibly yellowish tan female belly and two red tags. 

Team R&B first stop at secrets they didn't see any seals. They took the signs down and walked back to look. NOW there was RN14 Kalani all the way on the reef to the left. They quickly put the signs back up and called the hotline.  They stayed and educated the folks until a volunteer arrived. 
Once the volunteer arrived they updated her on the seal and they headed out.

Next stop they found three critters and studied them from a far.  
They ID'd RK72 Kekoa Alii, RL08 and RL20 Kalua.  And then they were totally surprised spotting a fat seal hauling up on the rocks. It was the beautiful KG54 Huakai. Its been a long time since they have seen her. She is looking quite big.
Along with the seals they also watched whales breaching.

At another west side location and they spotted RL70 Leina on the lower rocks. Then there was RH76 Kala snoozing in a pond.
RM31 was to the right by seal inlet, along with R3CU. 
Next critter made them work for the ID. They spent over an hour trying to see the tags or something that would help.  Of course the critter barely moved, but they thought they saw a cc scar on the right side. They are reporting the seal as Puka RP30. They had seen him foraging with R3CU.

Rabbit Island
RP30 & R3CU
RP30 with trash stuck to his face

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