Sunday, February 26, 2023

Feb 26, 2023 Sunday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn, Melody and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:30 to 2:50 and there were three seals during her observation. 
Initially near the surge channel on the Lanikai side of LPB was RK24 Bruno/Wawamalu: adult size, lighter male belly, two red tags and scar on right side about 1/3 forward of rear flippers.  He galumphed across LPB to where there was an Adult Female resting.
In the middle of LPB was an Adult Female: adult size, tannish yellow female belly and two red tags. After interacting with RK24, he entered the water about 2:06 pm.
There was an Unknown Adult on the water rocks between 3BS and SRI. Marilyn didn't get much to look at other than: subadult to adult size. 
At about 2:29, Marilyn noticed that RK24 had joined the U/A. He bothered it some and then about 10 minutes later left.
At about 2:50 RK24 hauled out again with the A/F on left point beach. He was definitely in "cruiser male" mode.

Melody was out and about today and took some time out to look for seals.  She got lucky and came across R016 Right Spot. She is looking good by no new markers or wounds not to mention she is looking quite round. Melody also bumped into Gamma Gayle looking after her.

Team R&B had a celebration to attend today, so they only did a quick check of the beaches. 
First stop they found RP30 Puka snuggled at the rocks. He was alone, but keeping himself out of the chilly winds. They just made the ID and left.

Next the went to Kahe and saw a seal foraging in and out of the outfall. There were so many people in the water today, snorkelers and divers, that it was hard to find the seal in the crowd.
They spotted the seal swimming along, subadult size. They are pretty sure it was RL20 Kalua, but they didn't have time to take more photos.

Rabbit Island
Right Spot
RP30 Puka
RL20 foraging

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