Friday, February 10, 2023

Feb 10, 2023 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn, Tammy and Team R&B💕
There are days where there are a couple of seals and then there are days like today when you hit the seal jackpot!  Busy day.

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:45 to 1:30 and again the windy conditions cut the viewing short.
There were two seals on island today, both on the waterfront down from the 3BS.
Subadult Male: smaller subadult size, very light male belly and two red tags.
Unknown Adult: adult size, darker dorsal coat, unsure about its sex or tags.

Marilyn got word from Gamma Gayle that RK62 was in the neighborhood.  Marilyn went to check and it took some comparing, but she found out the seal this is infact RK62 from the 2011 "K" cohort, (not to be confused with the 2018 "K" cohort). Wonder if she's been on Rabbit Island.

Team Tammy included sister Kim, who is on island for a visit. So the sisters took a quick hike out to Ka'ena in on this very windy day.  It was worth it, since they came across four seals and some Albatross flying around.
First find was RL98 Lina at 10 minute beach.  Then there was RL74 Kami at Hidden Beach. When they made it out to the point there was R330 Squinty and RM31 Kai was at back beach.

Team R&B had an epic day. First site they arrived to find two seals, RH76 Kala with RP30 Puka on the rocks near seal inlet to the right.  As they were watching them they see another seal suddenly arrive in the inlet. There was R3CU, big guy looking handsome. He was checking out Kala and thankfully didn't go charging. Quite the gentleman, they all settled in for the day.

Next they were heading off to paradise cove, before they arrived they got word of five seals in the water. When they got there they didn't see any seals. They talked to some folks who had seen the seals and pointed them in the direction. So Team R&B hurried over to the next location and there were four males and a volunteer on site.
Although there were lots of people everyone was good while they were there.  However the four male seals were arguing for positions on shore. The four boys were: RH32 Kaale, RL08, RK72 Kekoa Alii, and RG32.

Next stop at secrets they spotted two seals and they immediately put up some signs. Of course the beach was crowded. On shore were RL12 Aukai with RG28 Lefty. They waited for a volunteer to arrive. In the meantime, a tourist asked if they went in the other way will there be any seal out there? Team R&B answered Yes. Then the tourist said "what? dam seals are taking over our beaches"   Team R&B walked away, rather than letting them have it.

Lastly they headed over to tracks where they had seen a seal from afar earlier. When they got out there they discovered it was a big female. They ID'd R413 Makamae, they saw her markers large cc scars and no tags. One of the guys from the camp told them the seal came up about 6 am. He then asked Auntie how come you so late?  

Rabbit Island
RH76 & RP30
Four Boyz - Kaale - RL08  - Kekoa - RG32
Aukai and Lefty

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