Sunday, July 19, 2020

07/19/2020 Sunday Act-With-Care Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand and Marilyn.

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 2:30 - 3:50 today.  There were only 8 seals today vs yesterdays 10.
Seal 1: PO5 alone at left point beach.  Mom was no where to be seen so PO5 joins the weaner ranks. Marilyn got a quick view of the belly while on-site and thought female. Reviewing the photos there nothing that indicates male.  At 3:30ish PO5 had gone into the water, making Marilyn wonder if she'll explore the rest of the island. Mom (Sadie) didn't take her exploring much.

Seal 2: Sub-adult to adult male with older and darker male belly and tags. Good chance it's RG32. Due to the high tide he had to go way up on the sand.

Seal 3: Adult female with older coat and 2 tags. Marilyn thinks it may be RL12 Aukai returning to RI to molt. She was between middle cliff and 3BS

Seal 4: Subadult to adult male with a darker belly. U/M stayed close to Seal 3. There "may" be a NB on the right side midbody. ( Kalani RN14?)

Seal 5: Unidentified juvenile female with older coat and female belly with lots of green and two tags was near SRI. Initially she was alone,  but about 3:00 she was joined by Seal 6. After a visit from Seal 8, she entered the water and may be the seal Marilyn saw hauling out short while later at 1BS.

Seal 6: Unknown adult male with darker male belly. Seal 5 moved away from Seal 5 for awhile and then came back.

Seal 7: Weaner PO1 or PO3 based on size and coloration and no tags. This critter hauled out about 3:30 in the Rocky Right Beach. 

Seal 8: This seal hauled out about 3:30 to SRI up to Seals 5&6 who immediately went in opposite directions. This seal may have scars at least on the left side of the mouth. After a short visit with Seal 5 this seal rolled into the water and left. About 10 minutes later, what I think is the same seal hauled out to look over Seal 7. After looking at Seal 7 from some distance, Seal 7 turned around and entered the water. The behavior of this seal and the fiscal scars, made Marilyn think it could be Da Benny RE74.

Two paddle boarders landed on the island about 3:15. One of them was carrying a camera and did try photographing a few seals. (Wonder if this will show up on social media) The trespassers didn't stay long and left never bothering the new weaner.

Team Billand was out before 6 am checking the outfall and surrounding area.  At first they didn't see  any critters until they noticed a seal foraging off the outfall. The seal was doing 5-6 minute dives and finally made its way into the outfall. The seal never stole any fish so we can rule out Kaale.

There was a small group gather to have a memorial celebration Nanea, who would have been 1 today. While they shared stories of Nanea and Pohaku, the Heron who used to hang out when Pohaku and Nanea were there, decided to stop by. 

At 9 am Team Billand returned to check the west side. They spotted two animals hauled out. RG28 Lefty was there hanging out with R3CX Nalu.  They called the hotline. Once they saw the volunteer they left for the day.

At 10 they were searching other locations coming up empty. While standing on one beach they spotted a fat seal sleeping inland rocks. It was RF28 (Pohaku's boy).

While watching over RF28, Team Billand spent time scanning the area to see if another critter was around.  They got lucky and spot a green goblin coming in. It was RL20 Kalua who climbed up on high mid rocks, galumphed and then stopped. The waves kept washing over him, he galumphed higher up, inland and settled.  Neither RF28 or RL20 had a clue the other was there.

 PO5 new weaner
 Seal 2
 Seal 3&4
 Seal 5 & 6
 Seal 7
Seals 7 & 8
R3CX Nalu
Remembering Nanea 
RG28 Lefty with R3CX
RF28 ( Pohaku's kid)
 RL20 Kalua 

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