Saturday, August 3, 2019

August 3, 2019 Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand, Lesley and in the yesterday's news department Posse pal Vicki. Lesley's complete Ka'ena update is part 2 of the dailies, and it was a busy seal day at the point.

In yesterday's news Vicki was on the north shore and spent sometime visiting with RL36 "Makoa". He was out of the zone but she did find him resting peacefully and playing with some seaweed. There was only one couple that went by unaware he was there, so Vicki waved them off so they wouldn't walk into him.  LOL  They probably thought he was a rock. 
Vicki caught a photo of a "crazy" crab chasing a bird around the beach. Maybe the bird was too close to baby crabs, but it must have been a sight to see.

Team Billand got to Pohaku and Nanea early, but they were in the water exploring and did not until 8: am they hauled out on the sand. Then it took a bit but finally it was time to eat.
There wasn't much interaction between Mom and pup today. They were about 20 feet apart and Mom only barked at the kid only now and then.
Team Billand did notice several wallows, one to the left by another entrance and another on the other side. Makes you wonder if they were moving around a lot or if they had some visitors (males)  during the night. 
Team Billand stayed a little longer this morning thinking there would be some excitement, but Pohaku and Nanea were just snoozing. So Team Billand headed out to check on other seals.

When they returned at 2:30 they found Mom and Pup at "Nanea's Cove" exploring.  Mom was on the reef and then came to shore to nurse, but Nanea looked for a minute, gave up and went to sleep.
Team Billand hung around for another hour or so, but gave up when a couple of people entered the water by crawling under the ropes. They felt helpless and disappointed, and left for the volunteer on site to decide how to handle.

This morning in between checking on Mom and Pup, Team Billand made a stop at a nearby beac and found RH92 on shore. There was a volunteer on site and the area was blocked off. RH92 is looking good no new markers. 

Later in the afternoon Team Billand had taken a break and found miss Lei Ola RH48 at a west side beach about 1 pm.  She is looking nice and plump. It took them a bit to ID her since she was on the rocks and wouldn't move to give them a clue. Finally after an hour they got their positive ID.

Isn't mother nature amazing?
 RL36 Makoa 
 Pohaku and Nanea
 Sassy Nanea doing her Snoopy impression 
 Lei Ola

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