Tuesday, August 20, 2019

August 19, 2019 Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand. I also received a link to Kauai's Seals. - Thank you Gayle for forwarding the information.

A little news about our Oahu Girls KC and Rocky and their births on Kauai.

Team Billand were at the pupping site before 6 am. When they arrived Mom and pup were in the shallows and Nanea came up higher, but Pohaku stayed in the water.  Pohaku was barking for the pup to come back, but Nanea paid NO ATTENTION and just stayed in her sleep position.

Pohaku continued to swim up and down, barking, then galumphed to the pup and checked on her. Nanea snorted and flipped over. Pohaku went back to the water. Finally Nanea went to Mom and Pohaku turned away.  The kids' first lesson in pay back !  Mom flipped over and pup had a feed in the shallows.

At 7:48 RN14 Kalani came in to visit.  Pohaku barked and he went to the corner of the cove. After a quick return and some heavy breathing, RN14 Kalani left the site (for now).
Mom and Pup fell asleep for quite some time and when they did wake there was another nursing session.

Robert took a break from the pupping site to check on some west side beaches.  He found Ka'ale RH32 who hadn't been seen for a bit (or no reports of his appearance).  In looking at the photos they notice he has a one inch hook in his bottom lip, showing with a little four inch leader line sticking out.  The good news the hook is visible, the bad news his location does not allow safe access to remove the hook.
Other than the hook, Ka'ale is looking quite big and green. The hotline and NOAA team were updated on Ka'ale.
I know Barb was relieved to find Ka'ale, since it has been a while.  I was actually thinking he might have gone somewhere to molt, but not yet he is still quite green.

Robert also found RN14 Kalani at one of the haul outs. I guess after he left Pohaku and Nanea he went off to be by himself.  

At 2:30 Team Billand both back at pupping site, found both Mom and Pup in the water exploring.  They then hauled out and folks started gathering. There were a lot of people out today and quite a few that would be considered too close. Team Billand did ask a family to back up, and when they didn't comply they left it up to the volunteer on site to handle. 

Suddenly another seal approached Pohaku and Nanea.  IT's Benny, he came up on shore just short of mom and pup and just looked for the longest time. Then slowly left the area going to the channel and gone! 

About 4 or so there is another seal, this time RN14 is back. He came close to Mom and pup. She barked and moved towards him, that's when he moved out, tried to come back, then left.  Hmmm Pohaku must be sending some pretty strong BACK OFF vibes.

Mom and pup remained on mid beach. There were people around, some were visitors, some workers, but all was done respectfully.
At 5 pm Team Billand called it a day.

 Singing for her breakfast
 someone's coming to visit
Ka'ale RH32
 Mr. Green has a little hook  
RN14 Kalani
Pohaku RO28 and Nanea PO5
 Benny periscope

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