Friday, August 2, 2019

August 2, 2019 Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand and their daily dose of Pohaku and Nanea.

When they arrived to the site there was no one home at birth beach, but once they got a look around they could see Mom and pup were on the other side outside the zone.
They put up signs to block people getting too close, and called the hotline right away.

Team Billand noticed a seal coming in and was able to ID Benny RE74. He came slithering right up to Pohaku who reacted mildly with a bark, she had finished nursing Nanea. Pup looked and had no reaction. Benny swam about, came back to Pohaku again, then left peacefully. Pretty uneventful for da Benny.  
Team Billand saw Benny heading out to the right, and then noticed another seal passing by at a fast pace. Initially they could not determine who this was. 
Then RN14 Kalani came up to Pohaku for a visit. He was persistent and landed on shore, looking at the pup and Pohaku. She barked and he took off to the other end, and no sooner had he left he came back. This time he was closer, face to face.  Pohaku let him have, but Kalani just doesn't get it and didn't leave, just stuck around. On his last encounter Pohaku let him have it with a loud bark, and off Kalani went.

They thought Kalani had left, but no he was hiding by the rock until Benny returned.  Benny was heading towards Mom and pup and RN14 charged at Benny (not a good move) a fight broke out. At least they were good enough to move to the left of Pohaku to fight.  
People gathered to see the commotion. RN14 chased Benny out of the area.  RN14 slithered out of the area not seen again.
Barbara noted that at one point Nanea PO5 charged into the water to bark at N14 Kalani, as if to tell mom, " I got this Mom, no worries".  This little one is a sassy one.

Team Billand did manage to find a couple of other critters today. They found RH92 at KoOlina.
Lei Ola RH48 was om the west side hanging out on the rocks relaxing.

If you didn't catch the news tonight there was a nice story about RH38 being released after her stay at Ke Kai Ola.

Benny RE74
 Benny & Pohaku & Nanea
 RN14 Kalani
 Benny & Kalani being boys fighting it out 
 Pohaku RO28 & Nanea PO5 
 This makes me very nervous... especially if they are left up overnight with high surf coming in.
 Lei Ola RH48

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