Friday, February 28, 2025

February 28, 2025 Fridays Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Tammy and Team R&B💕  Marilyn did check Rabbit Island today but there were no seals seen during her observations.

Tammy met up with Lesley and Michael to check out Ka'ena Point today. Their main focus was checking on the albatross chicks. They were lucky to find three seals. 
The chicks are getting big and most don't have their parents around. (they're off getting food to feed the chicks). 
The first seal they found was RT98 Eha, little female born in 2024.  The other two seals were RG40 Holokai and RL47 Kamakana.    They also got to watch the seals put on a show today.

Team R&B were thrilled to find the two brothers together today. RP30 Puka and RM31 Kai were
snoozing together on the rocks.  It doesn't happen very often but when it does its special to see them together and healthy.

Their only other find today was at Nimitz. There were two seals and they assumed it was RN14 and R407. But then they saw one had a red tags and when it finally turned over they saw it was RL08. He entered the water to cool off and then hauled out again. He's a big boy.
The other seal was R407 Kawika, who was resting about 50 feet away from RL08.

RG40 & RL47
RP30 & RM31

Thursday, February 27, 2025

February 27, 2025 Thursday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:01 to 1:32 pm and there were two seals seen during that time.
About 50 feet Makapuu of the 3BS was an Adult Female: adult size, older coat, mottled tannish-gray female belly and two red tags. Marilyn could not see if there were any scars, but she thinks this is the same A/F that she has been seeing lately.
Behind waterfront rocks between SRI and RRB was an Unknown Unknown: possibly juvenile to sub-adult size, very light (probably male) belly with some green, and possibly tags.  Normally Marilyn would have stayed longer to see if the seal moved, but todays winds and vog won out and she went home.

Team R&B's first find was a seal hauling up on the rocks. They waited to see just one seal and it was RM31 Kai.  
They were especially happy today to catch a few great moment of whales breaching.  Thank you for sharing with the rest of us.

Team R&B headed over to nimitz and found a seal on Kermits Reef.  It was RN14 Kalani alone enjoying a peaceful siesta. 
Then they spotted a seal hauling up on shore about a mile out. So they went to check it out and they were thrilled to see R407 Kawika.  He is looking good and healthy nothing new seen which is a good thing. Guess RN14 didn't want to share space on the reef.  LOL

Since they weren't that far away they headed over to plains to see if there were any critters.  Needless to say they were thrilled to see two seal.
On shore together were RL08 and RL12 Aukai snoozing in a nice zone set up for them. They met up with posse pal Kathy and her husband.  Team R&B talked story with them, reminiscing of the days when 7 seals would haul up at plains, the likes of Irma, Kermit,  Benny, M&M. It was nice to talk about all our beloved seals.

Rabbit Island
RL08 & RL12

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

February 26, 2025 Wednesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:22 to 2:06 pm and there was one seal seen during that time.
An Adult Female started out on the rock flats Lanikai side of SRI, but later moved up onto the sand. The AF was adult size, older coat with mottled gray-tan female belly and two red tags. Marilyn also thinks she had a jagged scar on her upper chest/lower neck area. 

Team R&B started their day finding a fat seal snoozing on the rocks with his belly showing. They quickly ID'd Kekoa Alii RK72.  (He was born on reef runway way back in 2011 to Ewa Girl).
They hung out for a while looking out over  the ocean, but there were no whales or dolphins seen today. Just a few folks out and about snorkeling.
They looked back to Kekoa and spotted another seal's head as it was hauling up near him.  There was RM31 Kai hanging out next to Kekoa.

Overall it was a slow seal day for them. They took the drive out to Nimitz and found one seal. Out on the reef was Kalani RN14 resting peacefully, as it should be.

Rabbit Island
RM31 & RK72

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

February 25, 2025 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕

Their first stop at Kahe they found RM31 Kai resting on the rocks. While they were checking him out they noticed another seal to the right. There was the very handsome RK72 Kekoa Alii.

They headed out to plains and were happy to see two seals on shore at the fence-line. Our girl RL12 Aukai was back and in the company of RL08. 
From there they headed over to Kermit's Reef. There were three people near a seal that was RN14 Kalani. Team R&B hurried over to take photos, and the people moved away from the seal.  RN14 was sleeping, had a whiz and then continued his rest.  Team R&B stuck around for an hour just to make sure he was disturbed by the folks close by. 
While hanging out with Kalani they were surprised to see a whale by a large ship off shore.

Their last stop was at cliffs where they found an adult seal. They spent some time studying the seal but couldn't make out anything. The seal was hiding really well and they didn't have any clues as to who this Unknown Adult could be.

RL08 & RL12
Unknown Adult
Catching crabs

Monday, February 24, 2025

February 24, 2025 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:52 to 2:39 pm and there were two seals seen during that time. 
On the waterfront rocks down from the 3BS was an Adult Female: adult size, older coat, tannish brown female belly, two red tags, small pit scar near the rear mid dorsal and another scar on the upper chest area. She later moved off the rocks onto the sand.
An Adult Male started about 30 feet Makapuu of the Adult Female, but later moved closer to her. The A/M has a darker coat, gray male belly, unsure about tags and an apparent NB on the tip of the RFF.
There were so many Sooty Terns flying around it was hard to get photos of the seals without the birds in the photos.
Also Marilyn noted the shrubbery on the island has grown so much since the heavy rains a few weeks agai that the 3BS will soon be obscured.

Team R&B first find today was RH76 Kala. She was just hauling up on the rocks at her zen spot when they arrived.  While there they made friends with a couple visiting from Minnesota, who fell in love with Miss Kala. They took videos of her hauling in with all that blubber shaking like jello.
While at the site, Team R&B spotted another seal slowing swimming by. They determined it was an adult, couldn't see if it had tags. They waited but the Unknown Adult never hauled out while they were there.

Next they headed over to Kahe and found an adult male who they have been having difficulty IDing. Well they confirmed it is RH32 Kaale.  They were pretty sure it was him, but did get confirmation by his size, and notched flipper. Seems the boy has lost his other tag, which is what was throwing them off. As always they were very happy to see him.

They checked around different locations and finally when they headed over to Kermits Reef they saw a
seal resting. They had been seeing R407 but looking closely they realized that today it wasn't him. They noted the scar on the right side of his head and no tags, then they realized this was RN14 Kalani. Finally they saw his signature natural bleach on his right side.  Needless to say they were thrilled to see him, especially since its been awhile.  They waited around hoping that R407would show up, but he didn't.

Rabbit Island

Unknown Adult