Monday, January 25, 2021

01/25/2021 Monday Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand.

This morning they found Lefty RG28 on shore alone at tracks. Team Billand looked and spotted the Akule Boats with nets close to the outfall area. They got to the outfall area about 9:15 am and watched in a bundle of nerves as they spotted two seals by the side of the net. The DLNR had been called by someone who spotted seals in the nets and a small one was struggling. The Akule boat is commercial so they are allowed to fish. The seals weren't helping by going over the floaters and in the net. This one of the most stressful things to see. Volunteers arrived on site. Team Billand stayed long enough to see a seal depart from the net, then headed out to their next stop just after 11.

On their next stop they saw Kaale come up on the rocks and went right to sleep. The were thrilled to see

him, in that we all know he helps himself to the fishermen's catch.  Looking through the binoculars they can see Lefty RG28 is still in the same spot.

Team Billand headed to another west side location and was thrilled to once again see some whales being amazing.  They saw Kekoa Alii RK72 was up on high rock to the left. He was in complete snooze mode. RH76 Kala was to the right and sound a sleep between the rocks. 

Last stop was at the bay. They found Lei Ola RH48 on the rocks alone sleeping in peace. Team Billand noticed the sky was changing and see the storm coming in fast. Of course before running off they saw a seal foraging and managed to get a tag shot. They ID'd RN44 just in time before it starting pouring.

RG28 Lefty
Nets out in the water
Kaale RH32
RH76 Kala
RH48 Lei Ola

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